Have a question about our services? Ready for a formal quote? All correspondence in advance of your arrival is done via email. We don't offer phone support, until you have arrived in India.
Also note there is an ongoing issue with our emails getting through to hotmail accounts, so if hotmail is your go-to program, first: congrats on being an early adopter of email services. But, second, please use a different program to reach out to us. Our email service provider says they are working on it.
Owner/Managing Director Jawahar Lal Rana 0091-9818265533 Back up # 0091-9810157433 Permanent address: Village Neri, Chimnu (225), Mandi Himachal Pradesh-176120 INDIA
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Denmark, Holland, Finland, France, Germany, HKSAR ( Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigera, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Slovenia (more than one!!), South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.
Our business, like many others around the world, was decimated by the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. FInally, the world is able to travel freely again! Due to the pandemic, we survived for nearly two years without clients. Please take that into consideration when looking for recent reviews.
Here's a link to Trip Advisor reviews.
Your country's embassy in India is always a good source of information and advice about travel in India. Here is a link for a comprehensive list of diplomatic missions in India.
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Partner with us for your adventure. Email inquiry@namasteindiatours.com with questions.