Well, some people get a second job, some borrow money from their parents, some people save for years and years...oh, wait, you meant how do you pay Namaste India Tours...
We do not require payment in advance of your arrival in India. Hard to believe, we know. We've been doing business this way from the start. We operate on the honor system and we assume our clients will too.
We quote in rupees, only. We accept credit cards IF the cost of your services is at least Rs 5,000. There is no fee if you pay by credit card in your own currency. There is a 5% fee if you pay by credit card in Indian rupees. You are welcome to pay cash in any currency at the rate of exchange current for the day that you make payment in Delhi. If you are departing on your trip directly from the airport, without coming in to Delhi, then you must pay with cash only.
Regardless of the method, you must pay the price agreed upon in your Confirmation for Services in full before departing Delhi with our car and driver. This is true whether you are purchasing a package or just hiring a car and driver. By the time we are ready to confirm your India travel plans, if you aren't comfortable enough with us to pay us in full before you leave Delhi, then we are not the travel agency for you. Remember, we never ask for any money in advance of your arrival in Delhi no matter how complicated our services for you may be, or how much time we have spent emailing back and forth.
If you prefer to pay in advance of your arrival, you can communicate with us about how to do that once you have your official Confirmation for Services.
We come to you. We don't make clients take time out of their itinerary to come to any office. We have not operated out of a storefront for many, many years. Jawahar will review your itinerary with you, answer questions, and then you can make payment. (Yes, of course you will get a receipt.) We also try not to make clients do monetary transactions when they have just gotten off a long international flight. So this meeting usually takes place sometime during your first full day in Delhi.
So, let's review: you've been met at the airport, transferred into town and spent the night in a hotel and you still haven't paid a penny/rupee. Not your average business model, right?
If we told you, then they wouldn't be hidden anymore! Just kidding. Car and driver hire with Namaste India Tours always includes all fuel, border taxes, road tolls, parking fees and the driver's food and accommodation. If we are handling your hotels, then your price includes your hotels AND breakfasts. If you are purchasing a package, everything that is included is specified in the itinerary. Your price does not include a tip to the driver. That is between you and your driver. A typical tip is between Rs 700 and Rs 1000 per day, paid directly to the driver at the end of your trip. (If you are only using our driver for local services around Delhi, then a typical tip is around Rs 500 each day.)
What taxes? Border taxes? Yes. Hotel taxes? Yes. Luxury taxes? Yes. Service Taxes? Fancy new totally un-understandable GST taxes? Yes. You'll see the GST amount on your quote. It is 5%. If you enjoy headaches, you can read about the GST tax here.
Yes, of course. Your driver can take you to an ATM. Generally, with one credit/debit card you can withdraw Rs.10,000 (only) in one day. Your driver can take you to muliple ATMS if necessary.
Well, probably you aren't in India. Probably, you are sitting in front of your computer at home, or (more likely!!) at your office. We only have one price, and yes, it is our best price. It is the same price whether you are young or old, Indian or Moravian, a doctorate or a drop-out, a travel writer or a scrap-booker. To infer that there is room for negotiation infers that the price is padded for just that occasion. We don't play that game. If you love to bargain, you'll have plenty of other opportunities during your trip....just not with Namaste India Tours.
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Partner with us for your adventure. Email inquiry@namasteindiatours.com with questions.